Understanding Computers
613-232-7407  Office
613-263-5178  Cell   
We are...
  Dylan Kome
  Dylan Kome worked as a letter carrier for ten years before osteoarthritis forced his early retirement from Canada Post. After studying Computer Science at Algonquin College for two years, he switched to Technical Writing. He received an honors diploma in 2001. He lives with two cats, assorted fish and house plants in a modest home on Arthur Street in Ottawa's Centretown West neighborhood.
  Understanding Computers
  Dylan formed Understanding Computers in the fall of 2001. Understanding Computers is a currently a part-time home based business. We will accept referals but we are not actively seeking new clients.
  Dylan is currently employed as part of the Network Support Team at Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre
Understanding Computers has a unique marketing strategy. We teach our clients to fend for themselves and encourage them to share their knowledge with their friends. We don't mark up the price of parts, including those parts that we get for free. We depend entirely on good will for our business. It's just easier that way.